
periodontics in Richmond hill

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics (periodontology) is a dental specialty. This part of dentistry looks for, diagnoses, and treats problems with the structures that support the teeth (periodontium). These problems include bone loss, gum recession, and periodontal disease. A periodontist is a person who specializes in using periodontics to treat diseases of the gums and bones around the teeth. They work mostly on the gums and the bone that holds the teeth in place.

Best Periodontal Care Richmond Hill

Types of Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, occurs when the gums become sore, swollen, or infected due to the buildup of plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film containing bacteria that forms on the teeth and gums after eating or drinking, especially if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. Over time, if plaque is not removed through brushing and flossing, it hardens into tartar, which can irritate the gums and lead to inflammation and infection.


It is the mildest kind of gum disease that can lead to gums that are red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. It could also leave your breath smelling awful. Gingivitis describes this stage of gum disease. Most people with this illness don’t experience any pain at all. However, neglecting oral hygiene is the primary cause of gum disease. Treatment options for gingivitis include both in-office procedures and at-home oral hygiene regimens.


Pale pink colour and firmness characterize healthy gums. Many people do not realize that gingivitis is present or that they have a problem because it is usually not painful. Symptoms Include: 

  • Swollen gums 
  • Sensitive gums, especially when touched 
  • Shiny gums 
  • Bright red, dusky red or purple-red gums 
  • Bleeding gums, even with peaceful brushing 
  • Mouth sores 
  • Bad breath 


What Causes Gingivitis?

The risk factors for getting gingivitis include aging, puberty, pregnancy, hormonal changes, smoking, drug use, stress, poor diet, diabetes, HIV, and other systemic illnesses or conditions. Some drugs can also raise the risk of gingivitis.


Periodontics recommend practicing proper oral hygiene, such as flossing your teeth at least once a day and brushing them twice daily. Professional cleaning is recommended every six months. If symptoms are bad, you may need brushing and flossing after every meal and before bed. You may also be suggested plaque-removal devices, such as toothpicks, special toothbrushes and water irrigation tools. Prescribed anti-plaque and anti-tartar kinds of toothpaste and rinses can also help. 


Gingivitis usually recovers after a professional cleaning if good oral hygiene is continued at home. Over-The-Counter or prescription mouthwashes can help to keep the amount of plaque to an acceptable level. However, if the patient is not diligent with their home care and does not seek professional cleanings at least twice per year, the condition will return quickly.  

If the gingivitis is unbearable and deep dental calculus is present, up to four deep cleanings (scaling and root planning) may be needed to get the gingival tissue back to health. Scaling is the process of clearing plaque and tartar from teeth. 

A camera with a smile on it, representing periodontics
A camera with a smile on it, representing after periodontics treatment


Gingivitis can grow into periodontitis if left untreated. With time, plaque can extend and grow below the gum line, and toxins created by the bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. Therefore, the toxins stimulate a chronic inflammatory response, affecting the tissues that hold teeth in place and support them. If periodontitis is left untreated, your jawbone can break down, building spaces between the teeth and gums. Your teeth may become lax and fall out eventually. The most common forms of periodontitis include the following: 

  • Aggressive periodontitis occurs in patients with clinically healthy situations. Common characteristics include rapid attachment Loss, bone destruction, and familial aggregation. 
  • Chronic periodontitis is the most repeatedly occurring form of periodontitis. It usually ends in inflammation within the teeth-supporting tissues, progressive attachment and bone loss. It is indicated by pocket formation and recession of the gingiva. It can transpire at any age but is prevalent in adults. 
  • Periodontitis as an indication of systemic diseases often initiates at a young age. Systemic conditions such as respiratory disease, diabetes, and heart disease. 
  • Necrotizing periodontal disease is an infection distinguished by necrosis of gingival tissues, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. These lesions are most commonly attended in individuals with systemic conditions such as immunosuppression, HIV infection, and malnutrition. 



Every following change can be a symptom: 

  • Decreasing Gums, Which Make Teeth Look Longer Than Normal 
  • Swollen Gums 
  • Tender Gums 
  • Bright Red, Purplish, Or Dusky Red Gums 
  • Pus Around Teeth And Gums 
  • New Spaces Developing Between Teeth 
  • When biting, you feel a change in the way teeth fit together  
  • Loose Teeth 
  • Bad Taste In Mouth 
  • Bad Breath 
Risk Factors


Just because you have a hereditary predisposition to gum disease does not guarantee that you will get it. Maintaining proper dental hygiene can prevent or control it, especially in people who are more vulnerable.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking boosts the risk of periodontal disease. If periodontal disease is present, smoking drives it more severe. It also is resistant to treatment. Quitting smoking can play a significant role in bringing periodontal disease under control.

Crowded or Misaligned Teeth, Braces or Bridgework

Anything that makes it more difficult to brush or floss your teeth can enhance plaque and tartar formation above and below the gum line, which boosts your chance of developing gum disease. Your periodontist might recommend orthodontics to straighten your smile and give you a better chance of precluding disease.

Gritting, Grinding or Clenching of Teeth

These habits won’t cause periodontal disease, but they can render the breakdown of the periodontal ligament and bone. Your periodontist can create a custom guard appliance that helps recede the pressure of clenching or grinding on the teeth.


Stress can deteriorate periodontal disease and make it harder to treat because it weakens your body’s immune system.

Fluctuating Hormones

Changes can occur in the mouth whenever hormones fluctuate, such as during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.


Several medications can cause dry mouth, and plaque is more likely to shape without the protection of adequate amounts of Saliva. Some other medications may cause the gums to enlarge, making them more likely to trap plaque.


Certain diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, leukemia, and HIV infection can increase susceptibility to periodontal diseases. A good periodontist should be able to offer the kind of guidance needed to preserve your periodontal health.

Poor Nutrition

Nutrition is vital for overall good health, including a working immune system and healthy gums and mouth.

Treatment in Periodontics

According to the research, there are both non-surgical and surgical treatments for periodontitis, depending on its severity. Non-surgical treatments include: 

  • Scaling: The process of removing bacteria and tartar from teeth and beneath gums. Scaling is usually done in standard professional teeth cleaning. 
  • Root planning: The process of smoothing the root surfaces to discourage the further buildup of bacterial and tartar toxins. 
  • Antibiotics: These may incorporate topical antibiotics like mouth rinses and gels or oral antibiotics. 


Common surgical treatments are the following: 

  • Flap Surgery (Pocket Reduction Surgery): A flap-like incision is made in the gum tissue, exposing the roots for more effectual scaling and root planing. 
  • Soft Tissue Grafts: This fortifies soft tissue lost to gum recession. A small volume of tissue from the roof of the mouth is migrated to the gum line to reduce further gum loss, cover exposed roots and enhance appearance. 
  • Bone Grafting: This is accomplished when the bone around the tooth root has been ruined and helps prevent tooth loss by retaining the tooth in place. It also promotes Bone regrowth. 
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration: This advances the regrowth of bone through the use of a biocompatible fabric placed between the bone and tooth. The material precludes unwanted tissue from growing so the bone can grow back. 
  • Enamel Matrix Derivative Application: This process, another form of guided tissue regeneration, involves the application of gel to a diseased tooth root. The gel includes the same proteins that naturally exist in developing tooth enamel. Its application promotes healthy bone and tissue growth. 
A dental office

Why Choose ORIS Dental Clinics Periodontics?

What we value most here is creating a convenient, efficient, and safe environment. ORIS Dental Clinics, located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, uses modern and up-to-date materials to make your visits safer and easier. We guarantee we make a pleasant experience for you. Your dentist may refer you to our clinic by filling out our secure online periodontics referral form.

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