
An unbearably painful toothache can have a direct impact on your life. Highly competent endodontists use several techniques to repair the tissues inside the tooth. The area of dentistry known as endodontics searches for and resolves complex causes of tooth discomfort, such as abscesses (infections). Dentists who specialize in root canal therapy provide pain relief measures in addition to root canal therapy. They employ various techniques to preserve your natural teeth and enhance your dental health.

ENDODONTICS in Richmond Hill

Who is an Endodontist?

Dentists with advanced education who specialise in treating root canals (endodontics) are known as endodontists. They fix problems with teeth that are hard to fix and mostly affect the tooth pulp. They use cutting-edge ways to treat root tissues and tooth pulp. These endodontics experts work to ease your tooth pain and, if possible, save your natural tooth.

What is a tooth pulp?

Diagram of tooth structure for endodontics

The tooth’s hard enamel and dentin layers are mostly composed of minerals. The dental pulp is a part of a tooth that’s alive. It has a jelly-like consistency and contains the following: 

  • blood vessels 
  • nerves 
  • connective tissue 
  • specialized cells 

The main functions of tooth pulp are to create dentin trusted source and to provide your tooth with nutrition. Tooth pulp also helps keep your dentin layer healthy by providing moisture and essential nutrients like albumin and fibrinogen. Nerves in dental pulp help protect the tooth by allowing you to sense damage to your tooth and changes in temperature or pressure. The tooth pulp is the only part of your tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. If your pulp becomes severely damaged, your tooth will lose its blood and nerve supply. 

How Does a Dentist Compare to an Endodontist ?

The main distinction between endodontists and general dentists is that, while both are dentists, less than 3% of general dentists have completed the additional coursework and training necessary to become root canal specialists. An endodontist completes at least two extra years of focused dental study following dental school coursework. Dentists who do root canals concentrate on methods for managing and diagnosing dental discomfort that affects the pulp or roots of your teeth throughout this period.

What Does an Endodontist Do?

Endodontists are sometimes called root canal dentists. While general dentists and endodontists can perform root canal treatment both, endodontists perform this procedure more often. This higher volume and additional training translate to endodontists‘ higher level of expertise in root canal treatment and endodontic therapy. Root canal therapists are specialized in diagnosing complex causalities of tooth discomfort. 

ENDONTICS in richmond hill

What Do Endodontists Treat?

Usually, endodontists treat pulp or root tissues that have been hurt by any of the following:

Tooth Abscess

It is a pus-filled accumulation that happens when bacteria enter your gums or teeth.

Tooth Injuries

It happens due to concussions such as a hard fall 

Tooth Decay

For instance, a dental caries-damaged tooth that possesses an unfilled indent.

Cracked Tooth

It is when a tooth crack extends to a tooth’s pulp tissue.

How Does an Endodontist Test a Tooth?

Root canal dentists have specialized training to analyze many complex causes of the tooth, facial and mouth (oral) pain. An endodontist interprets your signs by performing one or more tests: 

  • Tapping on teeth may reveal what tooth is impacted and how far inflammation has extended, especially if your teeth are exposed to the tapping. 
  • Hot or cold swabs touch the affected tooth to check your tooth’s sensitivity. 
  • Dental X-rays provide clear details of tooth structures. 


In root canal therapy, an endodontist removes damaged or diseased pulp tissue. Removing inflamed or unhealthy tissue may assist in lessening dental pain. It also has the power to destroy microorganisms that can cause harm to other things.

Endodontists use an operative microscope and sophisticated tools to repair tissues inside a tooth. You lie on your back in an operation chair during root canal surgery. After that, you will receive local anesthesia to numb the interior of your mouth for comfort and to not suffer during dental surgery. 

During root canal treatment, your Root canal dentist places a dental dam over your tooth to separate the affected area and protect your mouth from infection Access the pulp tissue from the top or behind your impacted tooth; then your endodontics removes damaged or diseased pulp tissue. After that, your dentist Cleanse and disinfects the area inside a tooth and finally Fills and seals the tooth in its place.

How you feel after an Endodontic treatment depends on your specific problem and its severity. Most root canal treatments are outpatient surgeries, and you can go home soon after your procedure. You might feel a little discomfort after root canal therapy. Some people feel okay sufficiently to go to work after root canal treatment. 

Your mouth or tooth might feel sore for a few days after your endodontics treatment. More complex surgery may cause discomfort that’s more intense or endures longer. Your dentist may prescribe medication to ease pain, stop infection or help your body and mouth heal. You might need to follow up with your regular dentist after a root canal treatment.  

Your provider may fit a metal or porcelain covering called a crown on top of your tooth to protect and restore your repaired tooth completely. Following your dentist’s instructions is essential to confirm your tooth heals the way it should. 


It’s essential to look after your teeth when healing from root canal therapy. You should avoid biting on hard foods until your treatment is complete. After your final treatment, your restored tooth should no longer be painful, although it may feel sore for some days. 

To reduce discomfort, you can take over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. Also, you should return to your dentist if you still have pain or swelling after using painkillers for many days. In most cases, it’s possible to prevent the need for further root canal treatment by: 

  • keeping your teeth clean 
  • not eating too much sugary food 
  • Giving up smoking if you smoke 

Why Choose ORIS Dental Clinics?

The procedure of root canal treatment (endodontics) is for relieving pain, not making it so that after your root canal treatment, you will only feel some discomfort, and after a few days, it will disappear. Our dentists in ORIS Dental Clinics help you eliminate painful mouth disease by providing specialists for your dental problems. Call us today to book an appointment for your root canal treatment procedure in Richmond Hill as soon as possible.  Your dentist may refer you to our clinic by filling out our secure online endodontics referral form.

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